HedgeFundJobList.com is an independent research firm specializing in private investment managers. We provide job seekers and organizations with detailed contact lists for hedge funds, private equity managers and investment banks. Our proprietary hedge fund lists are unsurpassed in terms of quality, breadth, and price, making us the #1 hedge fund directory and resource for job seekers. That’s why major financial companies from Goldman Sachs to Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) choose HedgeFundJoblist.com for quality hedge fund research.
What We Do
Conduct In-Depth Research
The alternative investment universe is unusually opaque. Our Research Team utilizes a range of sophisticated strategies to filter out the noise and provide detailed and timely information on thousands of hedge funds and private equity firms.
Create Unmatched Hedge Fund Resources
We create easy-to-use hedge fund lists designed specifically for job seekers, research organizations, and third-party providers. Each list can be sorted with virtually any spreadsheet program and easily integrated with MS Outlook or other contact management programs.
Focus Exclusively on Hedge Funds / Private Equity
Our exclusive focus on hedge fund managers and private equity firms allows us to deliver the highest quality information at the lowest cost to you. Each hedge fund list purchase also includes 12 months of updates absolutely free.