Connecticut Hedge Fund / Private Equity List

List last updated: 09/19/2022

list of hedge funds in Connecticut

Perfect for job-seekers, the CT Hedge Fund and Private Equity List is delivered in a sortable Excel spreadsheet and provides detailed information for more than 260 hedge funds and private equity firms in Connecticut. Contact hiring managers and other executives directly!

The list can be downloaded instantly and is formatted for easy use with virtually all spreadsheet programs and contact management software. Data is updated frequently to ensure breadth and accuracy.

View more details on this list of hedge funds in Connecticut below:

Connecticut Hedge Fund / PE List Details and Included Information

Number of Fund Listings
Number of Emails
Combined Assets ($ Billions)

List Categories

List Features

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Connecticut Hedge Fund / PE List – $140  $87

– 260+ listings
– 12 months of free updates
– Instant download
– List last updated: 09/19/2022

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