Top 20 Largest Boston Hedge Funds 2018

Below is a list of the top 20 hedge funds in Boston, MA for 2018 ranked by assets under management (AUM):

RankFund NameCityStateAUM ($ millions)Strategy
1Wellington Management Company LLPBostonMA99,740Multi Strategy
2Adage Capital ManagementBostonMA41,969
3Baupost GroupBostonMA31,563Global Equity
4Bracebridge CapitalBostonMA23,528Absolute Returns
5Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co.BostonMA18,960Emerging Markets
6Highfields Capital ManagementBostonMA18,796
7Arrowstreet CapitalBostonMA12,200
8ArcLight Capital PartnersBostonMA9,616Energy
9Abrams CapitalBostonMA9,314Managed Futures
10PanagoraBostonMA8,420Global Macro
11PAR Capital ManagementBostonMA7,529Global Macro
12Convexity Capital ManagementBostonMA5,829Multi Strategy
13Grove Street AdvisorsNewtonMA5,022Fund of Funds
14HighVista StrategiesBostonMA3,247Multi Strategy
15Altimeter CapitalBostonMA2,737
16Adamas PartnersBostonMA2,156Fund of Funds
17Park Street Capital AdvisorsBostonMA1,997Fund of Funds
18Geode Capital ManagementBostonMA1,828Multi Strategy
19Hancock Timber Resource GroupBostonMA1,743Timber
20Shellback CapitalBostonMA1,536Long/Short

Want full details on the top 200 US hedge funds?

Want more details on these funds including emails and contact info for management? Download the full detailed list of the Top 200 US Hedge Funds in Excel format. Not only does it include details for the funds above, but it also includes 35 categories of information on each fund including contact details, website, executive contacts (with emails), main fund email, assets under management, and much more. Perfect for marketers or job-seekers!

Key Stats on Largest Hedge Funds in Boston, MA

Total AUM Boston, MA hedge funds 2018 In 2018, the top 20 hedge funds in Boston have combined assets of $307 billion

Largest hedge fund managers AUM in Boston 2018 7 of the largest hedge funds in Boston, MA have over $10 billion in AUM

Top hedge funds in Boston 2018 19 of the top 20 hedge funds in Massachusetts, are located in Boston

Top hedge funds hiring in Boston 2018 10 of the 20 biggest hedge funds in Boston are currently hiring

Top hedge funds in Boston 2018 The largest Boston hedge fund is Wellington Management Company

Top multi-strategy hedge funds in Boston 2018 3 of the top 20 Boston hedge funds utilize a multi-strategy approach

Top fund of hedge funds in Boston 2018 3 of the top 20 Boston hedge fund companies are Fund of Funds (FoF)

Massachusetts Hedge Fund List

Massachusetts Hedge Fund List

Massachusetts Hedge Fund List

Detailed list of 225 MA hedge funds and private equity, including the 20 largest hedge funds in Boston,  based on assets under management. Includes 35 categories of information on each fund including address, phone/fax, website, top executives (w/emails), company email, AUM, hiring status and much more.

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  • 35 categories of info on each fund
  • 12 months free updates

TOP 200 Hedge Funds List

Top 200 Hedge Funds List

Top 200 US Hedge Funds List

Detailed list of the top 200 US Hedge Funds based on assets under management (includes all of the top 20 above). Includes 35 categories of information on each fund including address, phone/fax, website, top executives (w/emails), company email, AUM, hiring status and much more.

  • Excel format download
  • 35 categories of info on each fund
  • 12 months free updates