New Century Investment Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

New Century Investment Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

New Century Investment Management is a hedge fund company based in Southfield, MI and is led by its President and Portfolio Manager, Jeffrey Modell. Their primary investment strategy is Global Macro. New Century Investment Management has $145 million in assets under management (AUM).

Address and Contact Info:
New Century Investment Management
One Towne Square, Suite 1690
Southfield, MI 48076
United States

Phone: 248-262-3140
Fax: 248-262-3141

Find more detailed information on New Century Investment Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

East North Central Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New Capital Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

New Capital Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

New Capital Management is a hedge fund company based in Chicago, IL and is led by its President and Chief Investment Officer, Nicholas Mansour. Their primary investment strategy is Global Equity. New Capital Management has 3 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
New Capital Management
646 North Euclid Avenue
Chicago, IL 60302
United States

Phone: 708-848-7784
Fax: 708-848-9005

Find more detailed information on New Capital Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

East North Central Region Hedge Fund / PE List

Illinois Hedge Fund / PE List

Neuberger Berman – Hedge Fund Profiles

Neuberger Berman – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Neuberger Berman is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY. Their primary investment strategy is Fund of Funds. Neuberger Berman has $15000 million in assets under management (AUM). The company was founded in 1937.

Address and Contact Info:
Neuberger Berman
605 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10158
United States

Phone: 212-476-9000
Fax: 212-476-9862

Find more detailed information on Neuberger Berman, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Nelson Capital Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

Nelson Capital Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Nelson Capital Management is a hedge fund company based in Palo Alto, CA and is led by its President, Scott Benner. Nelson Capital Management has $1000 million in assets under management and has 9 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
Nelson Capital Management
1860 Embarcadero Road, Suite 140
Palo Alto, CA 94303
United States

Phone: 650-493-1000
Fax: 650-493-1800

Find more detailed information on Nelson Capital Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Pacific Region Hedge Fund / PE List

California Hedge Fund / PE List

Needham Funds – Hedge Fund Profiles

Needham Funds – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Needham Funds is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY. Needham Funds has $950 million in assets under management and has 14 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
Needham Funds
445 Park Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
United States

Phone: 212-371-8300

Find more detailed information on Needham Funds, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Needham Asset Management LLC – Hedge Fund Profiles

Needham Asset Management LLC – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Needham Asset Management LLC is a hedge fund company based in San Francisco, CA. Their primary investment strategy is Private Equity. Needham Asset Management LLC has $750 million in assets under management and has 14 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
Needham Asset Management LLC
One Ferry Building, Suite 240
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States

Phone: 212-705-0385
Fax: 212-705-0375

Find more detailed information on Needham Asset Management LLC, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Pacific Region Hedge Fund / PE List

California Hedge Fund / PE List