NC Capital Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

NC Capital Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

NC Capital Management is a hedge fund company based in Hinsdale, IL. NC Capital Management has 3 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
NC Capital Management
36 South Washington Street
Hinsdale, IL 60521
United States

Phone: 630-789-0001
Fax: 630-789-0014

Find more detailed information on NC Capital Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

East North Central Region Hedge Fund / PE List

Illinois Hedge Fund / PE List

Navellier & Associates – Hedge Fund Profiles

Navellier & Associates – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Navellier & Associates is a hedge fund company based in Reno, NV and is led by its President and Chief Investment Officer, Arjen Kuyper. Their primary investment strategy is Global Equity. Navellier & Associates has $2360 million in assets under management (AUM).

Address and Contact Info:
Navellier & Associates
One East Liberty, 3rd Floor
Reno, NV 89501
United States

Phone: 775-785-2300
Fax: 775-562-8212

Find more detailed information on Navellier & Associates, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mountain Region Hedge Fund / PE List

Nautical Capital Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

Nautical Capital Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Nautical Capital Management is a hedge fund company based in Purchase, NY and is led by its President, David Henritze. Their primary investment strategy is Commodities. The company was founded in 2009.

Address and Contact Info:
Nautical Capital Management
2900 Westchester Avenue, Suite 406
Purchase, NY 10577
United States

Phone: 914-481-5070
Fax: 914-481-5069

Find more detailed information on Nautical Capital Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Naufal Capital – Hedge Fund Profiles

Naufal Capital – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Naufal Capital is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY and is led by its Managing Director, Paul Eckel. Their primary investment strategy is Event Driven.

Address and Contact Info:
Naufal Capital
400 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017
United States

Phone: 212-758-5111
Fax: 212-758-5151

Find more detailed information on Naufal Capital, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Natsource Asset Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

Natsource Asset Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Natsource Asset Management is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY and is led by its Managing Director, Dick Forrister. Their primary investment strategy is Energy. Natsource Asset Management has $800 million in assets under management and has 20 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
Natsource Asset Management
100 William Street, Suite 2005
New York, NY 10038
United States

Phone: 212-232-5300
Fax: 212-232-5353

Find more detailed information on Natsource Asset Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Natixis Alternative Investments – Hedge Fund Profiles

Natixis Alternative Investments – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Natixis Alternative Investments is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY. Their primary investment strategies are Multi Strategy and Long/Short.

Address and Contact Info:
Natixis Alternative Investments
142 West 57th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
United States

Phone: 212-233-4863

Find more detailed information on Natixis Alternative Investments, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List