Morning Street Capital – Hedge Fund Profiles

Morning Street Capital – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Morning Street Capital is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY and was founded by Paul Misit. The company was founded in 2002.

Address and Contact Info:
Morning Street Capital
130 West 42nd Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10036
United States

Phone: 212-996-7770

Find more detailed information on Morning Street Capital, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc. – Hedge Fund Profiles

Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc. – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc. is a hedge fund company based in San Francisco, CA. Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc. has $26000 million in assets under management and has 2925 employees. The company was founded in 1975.

Address and Contact Info:
Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.
555 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94101
United States

Phone: 415-576-2000
Fax: 415-982-4113

Find more detailed information on Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc., including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Pacific Region Hedge Fund / PE List

California Hedge Fund / PE List

Morgan Stanley Investment Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

Morgan Stanley Investment Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Morgan Stanley Investment Management is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY and is led by its President, Gre Fleming. Their primary investment strategies are Fund of Funds and Multi Strategy. Morgan Stanley Investment Management has $26000 million in assets under management and has 2925 employees. The company was founded in 1975.

Address and Contact Info:
Morgan Stanley Investment Management
522 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10036
United States

Phone: 212-296-6600

Find more detailed information on Morgan Stanley Investment Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Morgan Dempsey Capital Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

Morgan Dempsey Capital Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Morgan Dempsey Capital Management is a hedge fund company based in Milwaukee, WI. Their primary investment strategies are Global Equity and Fixed Income. Morgan Dempsey Capital Management has $210 million in assets under management (AUM).

Address and Contact Info:
Morgan Dempsey Capital Management
309 North Water Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
United States

Phone: 414-319-1080
Fax: 414-319-1087

Find more detailed information on Morgan Dempsey Capital Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

East North Central Region Hedge Fund / PE List

Morgan Creek Capital – Hedge Fund Profiles

Morgan Creek Capital – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Morgan Creek Capital is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY and is led by its CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Mark Yusko. Their primary investment strategy is Fund of Funds. Morgan Creek Capital has $9550 million in assets under management and has 16 employees. The company was founded in 2004.

Address and Contact Info:
Morgan Creek Capital
100 Park Avenue, 28th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States

Phone: 212-692-8660
Fax: 212-867-3925

Find more detailed information on Morgan Creek Capital, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Morgan Creek Capital – Hedge Fund Profiles

Morgan Creek Capital – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Morgan Creek Capital is a hedge fund company based in Chapel Hill, NC and is led by its Managing Director, Mike Hennessy. Their primary investment strategy is Fund of Funds. Morgan Creek Capital has $9550 million in assets under management and has 16 employees. The company was founded in 2004.

Address and Contact Info:
Morgan Creek Capital
301 West Barbee Chapel Road, Suite 200
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
United States

Phone: 919-933-4004
Fax: 919-933-4048

Find more detailed information on Morgan Creek Capital, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

South Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List