Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney – Company Info

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney


Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney is a private equity company located in New York, NY. Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney was founded in 1903 and has approximately $551.6 million in assets under management (AUM). The firm has 16 employees and specializes in Middle Market.

Contact Info

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney

420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 402

New York, NY 10170
United States
View Map

Phone: 1 212-867-1010

Fax: 1 212-867-1312


Main email:Email Available

Employment email:Email Available

Key Stats

Assets under management: $551.6 million

12 month change in AUM: 16.6%

# of employees: 16

Year founded: 1903

# of clients: 1-10

Form of Incorporation: Corporation

Investment strategies: Middle Market

Hiring status:Hiring status available

Key Employees

Michael Roemer, Partner and Chief Financial Officer –Email Available

Constantine J. Rakkou, Controller –Email Available
Ralph R. Whitney, Jr., Chairman Emeritus –Email Available

Full Information

Get full fund information for Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney including company emails, executive contact information, updated AUM, and much more in the following hedge fund lists:

New York Hedge Fund / Private Equity List
Mid-Atlantic Hedge Fund/Private Equity List
United States Hedge Fund List


Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney – Company Info

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney


Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney is a private equity company located in Indianapolis, IN. Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney was founded in 1903 and has approximately $551.6 million in assets under management (AUM). The firm has 16 employees and specializes in Middle Market.

Contact Info

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney

8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 600

Indianapolis, IN 46240
United States
View Map

Phone: 1 317-574-6900

Fax: 1 317-574-7515


Main email:Email Available

Employment email:Email Available

Key Stats

Assets under management: $551.6 million

12 month change in AUM: 16.6%

# of employees: 16

Year founded: 1903

# of clients: 1-10

Form of Incorporation: Corporation

Investment strategies: Middle Market

Hiring status:Hiring status available

Key Employees

Jeffrey G. Wood, President and CEO –Email Available

Glenn Scolnik, Chairman –Email Available
James C. Snyder, Partner –Email Available
Luke A. Phenicie, Partner –Email Available

Full Information

Get full fund information for Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney including company emails, executive contact information, updated AUM, and much more in the following hedge fund lists:

East North Central Hedge Fund/Private Equity List
United States Hedge Fund List


Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney – Private Equity Profiles

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney – Private Equity Company Profiles

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney is a private equity company based in New York, NY. Their primary investment strategy/sector is Middle Market. Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney has 17 employees. The company was founded in 1903.

Address and Contact Info:
Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney
420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 402
New York, NY 10170
United States

Phone: 212-867-1010
Fax: 212-867-1312

Find more detailed information on Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney – Private Equity Profiles

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney – Private Equity Company Profiles

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney is a private equity company based in Indianapolis, IN and is led by its President and CEO, Jeffrey G. Wood. Their primary investment strategy/sector is Middle Market. Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney has 17 employees. The company was founded in 1903.

Address and Contact Info:
Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney
8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN 46240
United States

Phone: 317-574-6900
Fax: 317-574-7515

Find more detailed information on Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

East North Central Region Hedge Fund / PE List