Cumberland Associates – Hedge Fund Profiles

Cumberland Associates – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Cumberland Associates is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY. Their primary investment strategies are Long/Short, Value, and Distressed Assets. Cumberland Associates has $156.478721 million in assets under management (AUM).

Address and Contact Info:
Cumberland Associates
1114 Avenue of the Americas, 38th Floor
New York, NY 10036
United States

Phone: 212-703-1459

Find more detailed information on Cumberland Associates, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Criterion Capital Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

Criterion Capital Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Criterion Capital Management is a hedge fund company based in San Francisco, CA and was founded by Victor E. Mandel. Their primary investment strategy is Long/Short. Criterion Capital Management has $640 million in assets under management (AUM). The company was founded in 2002.

Address and Contact Info:
Criterion Capital Management
Four Embarcadero Center, 34th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States

Phone: 415-834-3500
Fax: 415-249-1299

Find more detailed information on Criterion Capital Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Pacific Region Hedge Fund / PE List

California Hedge Fund / PE List

Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn – Hedge Fund Profiles

Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY. Their primary investment strategies are Long/Short, Global Equity, and Value. Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn has $14200 million in assets under management and has 24 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn
520 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10022
United States

Phone: 212-326-5343

Find more detailed information on Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

CPC Capital Management – Hedge Fund Profiles

CPC Capital Management – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

CPC Capital Management is a hedge fund company based in Seattle, WA. Their primary investment strategies are Arbitrage and Long/Short.

Address and Contact Info:
CPC Capital Management
2815 Eastlake Avenue E, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98102
United States

Phone: 206-336-5590

Find more detailed information on CPC Capital Management, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Pacific Region Hedge Fund / PE List

Contravisory Research & Management Corp. – Hedge Fund Profiles

Contravisory Research & Management Corp. – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Contravisory Research & Management Corp. is a hedge fund company based in Norwell, MA and is led by its President and CEO, William M. Noonan . Their primary investment strategies are Global Equity and Long/Short. Contravisory Research & Management Corp. has $200 million in assets under management and has 8 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
Contravisory Research & Management Corp.
120 Longwater Drive, Suite 100
Norwell, MA 2061
United States

Phone: 781-740-1786

Find more detailed information on Contravisory Research & Management Corp., including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

New England Region Hedge Fund / PE List

Massachusetts Hedge Fund / PE List

Concordia Advisors – Hedge Fund Profiles

Concordia Advisors – Hedge Fund Company Profiles

Concordia Advisors is a hedge fund company based in New York, NY. Their primary investment strategies are Long/Short, Fixed Income, and Convertibles. Concordia Advisors has $1500 million in assets under management and has 4 employees. The company was founded in 1994.

Address and Contact Info:
Concordia Advisors
1350 Avenue of The Americas
New York, NY 10019
United States

Phone: 212-421-9303
Fax: 212-421-9307

Find more detailed information on Concordia Advisors, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mid-Atlantic Region Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List