Posted on July 22nd, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Uncategorized, Tags: associate, Austin, Dallas, employment, Fort Worth, Houston, private equity jobs, Texas, TX
Looking for a Private Equity Job in Texas?
There are currently 29 hedge funds and private equity companies in Texas with open job positions. These include funds in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and more. For a complete list of more than 225 hedge funds and private equity companies in Texas, along with current hiring status, please see our Texas Hedge Fund / PE List.
Partial List of Hedge Fund / PE Opportunities in Texas:
- Baker Avenue Alternative Asset Management – Irving, TX
- Bares Capital Management – Austin, TX
- Brookmont Capital Management – Dallas, TX
- CapitalSouth Partners – Dallas, TX
- CAZ Investments – Houston, TX
- Chilton Capital Management – Houston, TX
- Condera Advisors – Houston, TX
- Denham Capital – Houston, TX
- Dimensional Fund Advisors – Austin, TX
- GHE Advisers – Houston, TX
The above are just the first 10 out of 29 hedge funds and private equity firms currently hiring in Texas. If you are looking for a hedge fund job in Texas, our Texas Hedge / PE Fund List is truly an invaluable resource. In addition to hiring status for each of more than 225 funds, you get detailed information on each fund including address. phone/fax, corporate and HR emails, top executives, AUM, # of employees and more all in Excel format. And it’s the only list designed specifically for hedge fund and private equity job seekers!

Posted on July 12th, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Tags: associate, Berwyn, Pennsylvania, Philladelphia, private equity jobs, West Conshohocken
Looking for a Private Equity Job in PA?
Below is a partial list of hedge funds and private equity companies currently hiring in PA. There are currently 19 hedge funds and private equity firms with open jobs in Pennsylvania including in Philadelphia, Wayne, Berwyn, Radnor, and West Conshohocken. For a complete list of private equity companies in Pennsylvania, including which ones are currently hiring, please see our PA Hedge Fund / PE List. This list contains detailed information on more than 135 hedge funds and private equity in PA and is the only list designed specifically for job-seekers!
Hedge Funds Hiring in PA (first 5 of 19 total):
- Abacus – Philadelphia, PA
- AJO – Philadelphia, PA
- Argosy Partners – Wayne, PA
- Avondale Partners – Berwyn, PA
- Bluestone Capital Management – Wayne, PA
Feature Private Equity Employer: Argosy Partners
Argosy Partners is a middle-market private equity company based in Wayne, PA. Argosy invests in Engineered Materials, Aviation Services, General Manufacturing, Business Franchising and more.
The above list is just the first 5 of 19 private equity companies and hedge funds with open jobs in Pennsylvania. For the full and most up-to-date version please see our Pennsylvania Hedge Fund / PE List.

Posted on June 22nd, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Hunting Tips, Job Listings, Uncategorized, Tags: Connecticut, CT, employment, Greenwich, New Canaan, private equity jobs, Stamford, Westport
Finding a PE Job in Connecticut
Looking for a private equity job in Connecticut? Below is a list of hedge funds and private equity companies in Connecticut that are actively seeking new employees, including in Greenwich, Westport, Stamford, and Wilton.
There are currently at least 34 private equity firms in Connecticut that are hiring. The list below is just the first 7. For a complete list of hedge funds in Connecticut, including which companies have available jobs, please see our Connecticut Hedge Fund / PE List.
Hedge Fund Jobs in Connecticut:
- A&M Capital Advisors – Greenwich, CT
- Addison Clark Management – Westport, CT
- Aesir Capital Management – Old Greenwich, CT
- Alternative Investment Solutions – Stamford, CT
- Altrinsic Global Advisors – Greenwich, CT
- AQR Capital Management – Greenwich, CT
- Ardsley Partners – Stamford, CT
The above list is just a sample of the over 34 PE companies and hedge funds that are currently hiring in Connecticut. Download our CT Hedge Fund / PE List today to see all the funds actively seeking new employees or with open jobs. In addition, you get more than 40 categories of information on each company that are extremely helpful in your job search; basic information like address, phone , and fax, as well as AUM, top executives, HR persons, emails, and more! Each listing also has a category showing whether the fund is actively hiring new employees. Whether you are looking for a hedge fund job in Greenwich, Stamford, Westport, New Canaan or elsewhere in Connecticut, the CT Hedge Fund / PE List is truly an invaluable resource.
The partial list of hedge fund and private equity companies above are believed to be currently hiring at the date of this posting. For the complete and most up-to-date list of private equity jobs in Connecticut, please download our CT Hedge Fund List.
Remember, many of the companies in our list marked as “hiring” may not be posting open jobs on job sites. They may be relying instead on recruiters, head hunters and referrals. Contact these companies directly with your resume and you may have a distinct advantage over your peers relying on job-boards and swamping HR people with yet another application.
Posted on June 19th, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Tags: California, employment, Los Angeles, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, private equity jobs, San Francisco
Finding a Hedge Fund Job in California
There are currently 84 PE firms and hedge funds actively hiring in California. These include private equity jobs available in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and more.
Our California Hedge Fund and Private Equity List has detailed information on more than 640 hedge funds including whether they are currently hiring employees. This is the ideal list if you are looking for a private equity job in California.
Below is a short list of just 10 of the 84 hedge funds and private equity firms currently seeking new employees in California:
7×7 Asset Management – San Francisco, CA
Accel Partners – Palo Alto, CA
Adelante Capital Management – Oakland, CA
Aetos Capital – Menlo Park, CA
AEW Capital Management – Los Angeles, CA
Altamont Capital Partners – Palo Alto, CA
Ares Management – Los Angeles, CA
Aurora Capital Group – Los Angeles, CA
Avondale Partners – San Diego, CA
Babson Capital Management – Newport Beach, CA
To view a full list of private equity companies hiring in California, download our CA Hedge Fund / PE List.
In addition to hiring status, the list contains more than 40 categories of information on each company that is incredibly useful to job seekers. You’ll be able to sort by city or zip code, view top executives including HR, and even corporate and executive emails for submitting cover letters and resumes. The ideal resource for finding a private equity job in San Francisco, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, or Los Angeles!
The list of private equity jobs above is believed accurate at the time of the post. Since these positions are constantly changing, please download the CA Hedge Fund / PE List for the latest information on which firms are hiring.

Posted on June 18th, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Tags: DC, Delaware, hedge fund jobs, Maryland, private equity jobs, Virginia
There are currently 7 hedge funds and private equity firms hiring in the Capitol area.
If you are looking for a hedge fund or private equity job in DC, Maryland or Virginia, our Capitol Region Hedge Fund / PE List is an invaluable resource. It contains detailed information on more than 175 hedge funds in the Capitol region including Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, and West Virginia. Delivered in Excel format, the Capitol Region Hedge Fund / PE List contains more than 40 categories of information including hiring status.
Download Now

Posted on June 17th, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Tags: Boulder, Colorado hedge fund jobs, Denver, private equity jobs
There are currently 16 hedge funds seeking new employees in Colorado, including Boulder, Denver and Englewood.
To view a current list of hedge fund and private equity job opportunities in Colorado, please download our CO Hedge Fund / PE List.