The Blackstone Group – Hedge Fund Profiles
The Blackstone Group – Hedge Fund Company Profiles
The Blackstone Group is a hedge fund company based in Santa Monica, CA. Their primary investment strategies are Private Equity, Real Estate, and Fund of Funds. The Blackstone Group has $28400 million in assets under management and has 530 employees. The company was founded in 1985.
Address and Contact Info:
The Blackstone Group
1299 Ocean Avenue, Suite 320
Santa Monica, CA 90401
United States
Phone: 310-310-6949
Fax: 310-310-6998
Find more detailed information on The Blackstone Group, including website and emails, in the following lists:United States Hedge Fund / PE List
Tennenbaum Capital Partners – Hedge Fund Profiles
Tennenbaum Capital Partners – Hedge Fund Company Profiles
Tennenbaum Capital Partners is a hedge fund company based in Santa Monica, CA and is led by its Managing Partner, Mark Holdsworth. Their primary investment strategies are Multi Strategy and Credit. Tennenbaum Capital Partners has $4500 million in assets under management and has 29 employees. The company was founded in 1999.
Address and Contact Info:
Tennenbaum Capital Partners
2951 28th Street, Suite 1000
Santa Monica, CA 90405
United States
Phone: 310-566-1000
Fax: 310-566-1010
Find more detailed information on Tennenbaum Capital Partners, including website and emails, in the following lists:United States Hedge Fund / PE List
TCW Funds – Hedge Fund Profiles
TCW Funds – Hedge Fund Company Profiles
TCW Funds is a hedge fund company based in Santa Monica, CA. Their primary investment strategies are Global Macro, Arbitrage, and Distressed Assets.
Address and Contact Info:
TCW Funds
11100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 2000
Santa Monica, CA 90025
United States
Phone: 310-235-5941
Fax: 310-235-5969
Find more detailed information on TCW Funds, including website and emails, in the following lists:United States Hedge Fund / PE List
Strome Group – Hedge Fund Profiles
Strome Group – Hedge Fund Company Profiles
Strome Group is a hedge fund company based in Santa Monica, CA and is led by its Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Mark Strome. Their primary investment strategy is Energy. Strome Group has 4 employees.
Address and Contact Info:
Strome Group
100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1750
Santa Monica, CA 90401
United States
Phone: 310-917-6600
Fax: 310-752-1481
Find more detailed information on Strome Group, including website and emails, in the following lists:United States Hedge Fund / PE List
Saybrook Capital – Hedge Fund Profiles
Saybrook Capital – Hedge Fund Company Profiles
Saybrook Capital is a hedge fund company based in Santa Monica, CA. Saybrook Capital has $1500 million in assets under management and has 8 employees.
Address and Contact Info:
Saybrook Capital
401 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 850
Santa Monica, CA 90401
United States
Phone: 310-899-9200
Fax: 310-899-9101
Find more detailed information on Saybrook Capital, including website and emails, in the following lists:United States Hedge Fund / PE List