Posted on July 22nd, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Uncategorized, Tags: associate, Austin, Dallas, employment, Fort Worth, Houston, private equity jobs, Texas, TX
Looking for a Private Equity Job in Texas?
There are currently 29 hedge funds and private equity companies in Texas with open job positions. These include funds in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and more. For a complete list of more than 225 hedge funds and private equity companies in Texas, along with current hiring status, please see our Texas Hedge Fund / PE List.
Partial List of Hedge Fund / PE Opportunities in Texas:
- Baker Avenue Alternative Asset Management – Irving, TX
- Bares Capital Management – Austin, TX
- Brookmont Capital Management – Dallas, TX
- CapitalSouth Partners – Dallas, TX
- CAZ Investments – Houston, TX
- Chilton Capital Management – Houston, TX
- Condera Advisors – Houston, TX
- Denham Capital – Houston, TX
- Dimensional Fund Advisors – Austin, TX
- GHE Advisers – Houston, TX
The above are just the first 10 out of 29 hedge funds and private equity firms currently hiring in Texas. If you are looking for a hedge fund job in Texas, our Texas Hedge / PE Fund List is truly an invaluable resource. In addition to hiring status for each of more than 225 funds, you get detailed information on each fund including address. phone/fax, corporate and HR emails, top executives, AUM, # of employees and more all in Excel format. And it’s the only list designed specifically for hedge fund and private equity job seekers!

Posted on July 1st, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Hedge Fund Company Listings, Tags: Austin, Dallas, hedge fund directory, hedge fund list, hedge funds, Houston, Texas
Looking for a list of hedge funds in Texas? Our TX Hedge Fund List contains more than 225 hedge funds and private equity firms in Texas.
Each fund listing contains 40+ categories of information in Excel format, including:
- Firm Name
- Address, Phone, Fax
- Website URL
- Up to 4 executive/management contacts including position and email address
- Assets under management (AUM)
- Change in AUM for past 12 and 24 months
- # of employees
- Year founded
- Hiring status (ie is the company currently hiring new employees?)
- # of clients
- Fund strategy (fund of funds, global macro, commodities etc.)
- Much more!
Check out our Texas Hedge Fund List today and find over 225 hedge funds in Texas including Dallas, Houston, Austin, and Fort Worth.
We’re sure you will find it to be the best and most affordable list of hedge fund anywhere.

Posted on June 23rd, 2015 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Tags: Austin, Dallas, employment, Fort Worth, hedge fund jobs, Houston, Texas, TX
Looking for a Hedge Fund Job in Texas?
There are currently 29 hedge funds and private equity companies in Texas with open job positions. These include funds in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and more. For a complete list of more than 225 hedge funds and private equity companies in Texas, along with current hiring status, please see our Texas Hedge Fund List.
Partial List of Hedge Fund / PE Opportunities in Texas:
- Baker Avenue Alternative Asset Management – Irving, TX
- Bares Capital Management – Austin, TX
- Brookmont Capital Management – Dallas, TX
- CapitalSouth Partners – Dallas, TX
- CAZ Investments – Houston, TX
- Chilton Capital Management – Houston, TX
- Condera Advisors – Houston, TX
- Denham Capital – Houston, TX
- Dimensional Fund Advisors – Austin, TX
- GHE Advisers – Houston, TX
The above are just the first 10 out of 29 hedge funds and private equity firms currently hiring in Texas. If you are looking for a hedge fund job in Texas, our Texas Hedge Fund List is truly an invaluable resource. In addition to hiring status for each of more than 225 funds, you get detailed information on each fund including address. phone/fax, corporate and HR emails, top executives, AUM, # of employees and more all in Excel format.

Posted on May 24th, 2013 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Tags: hedge fund jobs, Houston, senior sales director, Texas
Hedge Fund Senior Sales Director – Houston, TX
Description: Energy hedge fund group with office in Houston is seeking to hire a Senior Sales Director. Responsiblities include sales, education and marketing including assisting broker and banking community.
Qualifications: 7-10 years experience in commodity futures. MS Office skills preferred. Energy experience required.
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Get a list of hedge funds in Texas
Posted on December 11th, 2012 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Tags: Dallas, hedge fund internship, intern, Texas
Hedge Fund Internship – Dallas, TX
Description: Hedge fund in Texas is looking to hire a hedge fund Intern. Responsibilities include assisting portfolio managers, developing trading ideas, and performing ad-hoc duties as necessary.
Qualifications: 1+ years financial experience. Top academic performance required.
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Get a list of hedge funds in Texas
Posted on June 18th, 2012 by hedge fund jobs
Category: Job Listings, Tags: analyst, Dallas, employment, hedge fund equity analyst, Texas
Hedge Fund Equity Analyst – Dallas, TX
Description: Long/short hedge fund in Dallas is looking to hire a US Equity Analyst. Responsibilities include stock picking and representing the fund to clients.
Qualifications; Long/short experience required. Several years US analyst experience.
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Get a list of hedge funds in Texas