Even More Hedge Funds Jobs You Won’t Find on Job Boards

Even More Hedge Funds Jobs You Won’t Find on Job Boards

Once again, HedgeFundJobList.com brings you more hedge fund jobs you just might not find on any job board. Every day, our research team updates important information on the hedge funds in our database.  By visiting firms’ websites, our team uncover s literally hundreds of open positions – everything from Junior Hedge Fund Analyst to Senior Accountant and Trader.  And from time to time we like to share a few of these opportunities with our readers looking for a hedge fund or private equity job.

Hedge Fund / PE Jobs You Might Not Find on Any Job Site:

Cannon Trading Company  Hedge Fund (CTA)

Open Position: Hedge Fund Trading Broker, Beverly Hills, CA

Mapleridge Capital Corporation – Hedge Fund

Open Position: Hedge Fund Research Analyst, Toronto, Ontario

Arrowstreet Capital – Hedge Fund

Open Position: Hedge Fund Research Associate, Boston, MA

Carlson Capital – Hedge Fund

Open Position: Associate Analyst, Dallas, TX; Hedge Fund Intern, Dallas, TX,  Admin, New York, NY

DE Shaw & Co. – Hedge Fund

Open Position: Quant Analyst, New York, NY

DE Shaw also conducts on campus recruiting at 20 top schools.

DRA Advisors  – Asset Management/Real Estate

Open Position: Asset Manager, New York, NY

Bain Capital – Private Equity

Open Position: Investment Associate, Boston, MA

What’s the best way to find dozens if not hundreds more hedge fund jobs like the ones above? Get a list of hedge funds and private equity firms in your area from www.HedgeFundJobList.com. Each of our Hedge Fund / PE lists come with full contact information, website URL, emails, and much more! And all for a fraction of the price of anywhere else – Guaranteed.  Get on your way to discovering opportunties your fellow job searchers have no idea exist.

Create some distance from the hundreds of applicants competing for virtually every hedge fund job that makes its way to career sites like Craigslist, Vault, or CareerBuilder.  HedgeFundJobList.com’s Hedge Fund / Private Equity Contact Lists are a terrific foundation for researching and applying to the thousands of firms you won’t find on any job site.

Popular Hedge Fund Lists:

California Hedge Fund / PE List

Connecticut Hedge Fund / PE List

Florida Hedge Fund / PE List

Illinois Hedge Fund / PE List

Massachusetts Hedge Fund / PE List

New York Hedge Fund / PE List

Texas Hedge Fund / PE List