River Associates – Private Equity Profiles

River Associates – Private Equity Company Profiles

River Associates is a private equity company based in Santa Fe, NM. Their primary investment strategies/sectors are Manufacturing, Distribution, and Industrials. River Associates has 9 employees.

Address and Contact Info:
River Associates
518 Old Santa Fe Trail, Suite 1
Santa Fe, NM 87505
United States

Phone: 505-820-7060
Fax: 505-820-7273

Find more detailed information on River Associates, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

Mountain Region Hedge Fund / PE List

River Associates – Private Equity Profiles

River Associates – Private Equity Company Profiles

River Associates is a private equity company based in Chattanooga, TN and is led by its Managing Partner, James B. Baker. Their primary investment strategies/sectors are Manufacturing, Distribution, and Industrials.

Address and Contact Info:
River Associates
633 Chestnut Street, Suite 1640
Chattanooga, TN 37450
United States

Phone: 423-755-0888
Fax: 423-755-0870

Find more detailed information on River Associates, including website and emails, in the following lists:
United States Hedge Fund / PE List

East South Central Region Hedge Fund / PE List